JBI Studios' Blog on Voice-Over, Dubbing, and Multimedia Localization.

June 5, 2017

3 times when subtitles background boxes are great for localization

One of the greatest challenges in subtitles localization is legibility, or making sure that the subtitle can be read by all users. This basically breaks down […]
May 30, 2017

5 Tips to Casting Dubbing Voice-Over Talents for E-Learning Scenarios

Lip-sync dubbing for e-Learning and skills training scenarios is one of the most labor-intensive multimedia localization services. This is true as well of the casting process, […]
May 25, 2017

Moving captions & subtitles to the upper third – what, why & how

Moving any captioning and subtitling to the upper thirds of the frame is a critical part of video translation, ensuring readability and accessibility. But what does […]
May 18, 2017

3 Tips for Lining up Untimed Voice-Over Audio Translations to Video

Text expansion is one of the greatest hurdles to recording foreign-language voice-over for video and animations. This is especially true when the localized VO is recorded untimed – […]
May 15, 2017

3 Time-Code Errors that Kill Subtitles Translation Projects

Captioning and subtitling are now a must for any video production project – many countries require captions and subtitles for the hearing impaired (SDH), and subs […]
May 11, 2017

When subtitles and voice-over make a great combo localization option

It makes sense to think of voice-over dubbing and subtitling as completely distinct localization options. After all, they generally cover the same content (dialogue, narration and […]
May 8, 2017

Subtitles Translation 101: Time-Stamping, Time-Coding & Spotting

Time-stamping, time-coding, and spotting are all crucial parts of audio and video workflows, especially for captioning and subtitling services and translation. The terms also get confused […]
May 4, 2017

What you need to know about dialects for voice-over translation

Our clients often ask us what the difference is between a dialect and a language, and how that affects voice-over translation. There’s no easy answer to […]
May 1, 2017

Adobe Captivate 2017: An E-Learning Translation Review

In April, Adobe released the latest version of Adobe Captivate, its premiere course authoring software. Captivate is a powerful tool for e-Learning translation, featuring captions text […]