Offer Your Services

We’re excited to work with you

Thank you for your interest in JBI Localization.

We’re always on the look-out for exceptional audio, video & multimedia localization professionals and strive to create long-term relationships with our audio & video partners.


If your application is approved, we will contact you with more information or request a sample as applicable.

Voice-Over Talents:

  • Be sure to indicate your native language and apply with demo if possible (applications with demos are processed faster).
  • Be sure to indicate if you are local talent, studio, or home studio.


  • Be sure to indicate your native language.
  • Fill out as much of the form as applies to you and your skills. Include relevant experience in the appropriate field.

Dubbing Studios:

  • Lip-sync Dubbing for Films & TV Shows
  • Voice-Over for Video Games
  • Captioning & Subtitling for Films & TV Shows

Localization Companies:

  • Translation & Localization.
  • Multi-lingual Voice-Over & Video Dubbing.
  • Subtitling & Captioning.