China has the world’s largest population with almost 1.4 billion people and the world’s fastest growing economy. China is technologically savvy with approximately 800 million internet […]
Video gaming (including mobile gaming) is a huge industry that has earned more global revenue than the movie and music industry combined. With film production being […]
Taiwan–officially known as the Republic of China (R.O.C.)–is an island nation approximately 100 miles off the coast of mainland China. Taiwan has recently gained worldwide attention […]
The holidays are here! In the U.S. we will be celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow. It’s a wonderful opportunity to spend time with loved ones and enjoy good […]
A common question we get at JBI Studios is: what’s the difference between Mandarin spoken in Taiwan and Mandarin spoken in Mainland China? They’re both the […]
When people refer to the Chinese language, they generally mean Mandarin (普通话 putonghua). Mandarin is the official language of the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan […]
Chinese is currently the most widely spoken language in the world at roughly 1.2 billion speakers worldwide. One major characteristic of the language is its writing […]