KPMG India and Google recently released a report detailing online language use in India. It has a few interesting insights into internet engagement and adoption in […]
1.3 billion people. This is reason enough to localize your voice-over and dub your videos for India. But now that you’ve made that decision, what next? […]
If you’re in online marketing, you’ve no doubt heard the term “interactive video.” They’re quickly becoming a staple of internet marketing campaigns, in particular because they […]
Video localization allows you and your clients to reach a global marketplace – but it can also help that marketplace find you, by increasing search engine […]
They’re not closed captions and they’re not subtitles – they’re something else altogether. If you work in translation & localization or provide video subtitling services, you’ve […]
If you’re in marketing & advertising, you’ve no doubt read the Advertising Expenditure Forecast that Zenith Media just put out. But if you’re in voice-over translation, […]
Transcreation has been a buzzword in the voice-over and video translation world for about six years, and for good reason. It promises the ideal of a […]
Captioning and subtitling have changed dramatically since the days of set-top decoder boxes and optical burning to celluloid. Online video platforms, in particular, have made them […]
One of the hardest dubbing services to understand is dialogue replacement. For starters, users sometimes confuse it with lip-sync, since the two services have similar mixes […]